Every year the CKHS campus makes as many parking spaces available to students as possible. However, the number of spaces is limited, and students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not of right. All students parking in our campus lots are required to display a valid CKHS Parking Pass, and pass requests will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the school year, with priority given to Seniors and Juniors.
Parking Pass Request Process:
- Obtain a valid driver’s license and appropriate insurance (must be in place before you request a parking pass), and pay all student fees/fines on your student account so that you are eligible for a parking pass.
- Complete our form (see link below) either in person at Maze Days or online on the first day of Maze Days.
- Once your request for parking is approved, you will receive an email notification in your school email that contains our parking contract and will explain how to pay your $5 parking and collect your pass.
- Your pass will entitle you to park only in the CKHS student lot (does not include "staff' or "visitor" parking areas).
CKHS Parking Form
Parking Violations:
Our primary goal in managing student parking is the safety and security of everyone on campus. In service of this goal, the following actions will be considered parking violations:
- Unregistered car / no parking pass displayed
- Improperly parked car
- Unsafe driving
- Endangering people or destruction of property
- Exiting campus through our bus lanes.
Parking violations will be addressed by building security and/or administration, and possible responses include:
- $15.00 fee (initial ticket) *
- $30.00 fee (subsequent tickets)*
- School discipline / Vehicle search (see below)
- Car immobilization (boot) or towing
- Revocation of parking pass for balance of term/year
- A $50 fine for replacement pass
*Tickets will be issued to vehicles and assessed under student fines. Fines can be paid at the ASB cashier’s office. Seniors will not be able to participate in commencement exercises until all parking fines are paid.
Vehicle Searches
CKSD Policy 3230: Central Kitsap High School retains the authority to conduct routine patrols of student parking lots and inspections of the exteriors and visible interiors of student automobiles on school property. The interiors of student vehicles may be searched whenever a school official has reasonable cause or grounds for suspicion that the search will turn up evidence of the student(s) violating a school rule or violating the law. Police may be called.
Central Kitsap High School is not responsible for theft or damage to cars. Students should report any such occurrences to the Main Office. With sufficient evidence, school officials may investigate or refer a specific incident to police.