Ask your counselor if dual credit options are right for you. Dual credit programs allow students to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school. Below are brief explanations of dual credit options at Central Kitsap High School. Check the course catalog and talk to your counselor for more details.
Advanced Placement (AP)
AP courses are taught by high school teachers on our campus who follow course guidelines developed and published by the College Board.Many colleges and universities offer credit to students who get a score 3, 4 or 5 on AP exams. Learn more.
College in the High School
Students in grades 10-12 can stay on campus and take courses from Central Washington University. Students with passing grades can earn five credits per class from CWU. Fees are charged.
CTE Dual Credit/Tech Prep
Students can earn credit for Olympic College through certain CTE classes. Students take classes on our campus, and must earn a B or better to receive credit at Olympic College. View the course catalog and talk to your counselor about options.
Running Start
Our Running Start program gives high school juniors and seniors the chance to take classes at Olympic College tuition free. Your only expenses are books, supplies, fees and transportation. Learn more.