Brainfuse is a service offered by the Kitsap Regional Library which our students can access free of charge. Amongst other things, online individual tutoring in most subjects is available daily from 1PM to 10PM.
To get started, select the Brainfuse tile on
KRL's Research Page. You will need to enter your KRL barcode. Getting your KRL library card is easy and free online, but you can also use the number in our Library Credentials document on Classlink. Create your own username and password on the Brainfuse site. Doing so provides access to all features, such as submitting a paper for evaluation, and saving tutoring sessions for later review. After creating the account, click the Edit link on your account to add an email address and other information. After creating your account you no longer need to access through KRL's site.
Mobile apps on Android and iOS are available. Many students prefer to access Brainfuse on a smartphone after creating the account with a computer.
The "Skillsurfer" section has content area lessons and videos for self learning and review. There are also AP Exam preps, as well as preps for other tests like the SAT, ACT, and ASVAB.
A Collaboration area has options for study group meetings or in-person tutoring sessions where you use the Brainfuse tools on your own without requesting one of the service live expert tutors.