Privacy and Big Data (2018)

2018-19 Focus on Privacy and Security

During the spring semester secondary students in CKSD will view and discuss 3 short videos about online privacy during their tutorials. These videos are from the Life.On.Line Curriculum originally created by folks at the Spokane Educational Service District.  They were filmed in 2014, so many of the particular details such as screenshots have changed, but the overall concepts remain vitally important today.  Life.On.Line, My Private Life (Vimeo versions won't play on Chromebooks)

A fantastic article in PCWorld's December, 2018 issue provides information about how you can be tracked and what you can do about it.
How 'Free' Wi-Fi hot spots can track your location even when you aren't connected

Another helpful article from PCWorld provides useful tips for privacy tools to consider at home.
Three privacy tools that block your Internet provider from tracking you

An article about new and simpler ways to manage your privacy on a Google account.  Of course, you can't do this with your school account, so you might consider whether to use your school login on your personal devices.
How to quickly manage and delete your Google search history

Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has recently announced changes to his platform to better protect individual privacy.

How about Instagram?  What are some privacy protections you should consider?  The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Privacy

Virtual Private Networks
How-and why-you should use a VPN any time you hop on the Internet

What are they talking about?  Here's a great source of definitions for tech terms 

Mr. Trunkey's public list of citations for these and more articles on security and privacy.
This article aired on Marketplace Tech, a program on National Public Radio.  It helps this listener to glimpse the breadth and complexity of our modern lives and how much data is collected without our knowledge.

Screenshot, NPR article