You can watch home games in our high school stadiums and gyms live and for free!
Video is recorded with automated cameras and streamed on the National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) Network. You may see a “Subscribe” button, but you do not need to subscribe to watch CKSD events.
Create an Account
The first time you watch a game, you will need to create an account.
When you create an account, you will receive an email that welcomes you to the NFHS Network, and includes a button that says “Upgrade to Watch Live Events.” Please disregard this auto-generated email. You do NOT need to upgrade to watch Central Kitsap School District events. Use the links above or find a link under the Activities & Athletics section of your school’s website. Once again, it’s FREE.
One account works for all three schools.
Watch Games
To watch an event, scroll down and choose one of the scheduled events. Please note that start times may be listed in Eastern Standard Time. Subtract three hours from the posted time to find the correct time. Click “Sign in to watch.” Enter your account information and enjoy!
PLEASE BE ADVISED: We are rolling this out for the first time, and there are likely to be bumps in the road along the way. Please bear with us! This free service is for our home events only.